Evaluations of industry programs and initiatives

Evaluations of industry programs and initiatives

Disclaimer: IARD’s members and the members of its Partnership Council are a diverse group of organizations with a variety of viewpoints. They might not necessarily agree on all or any subjects. Any statements, findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed on this website do not reflect the policies or views of all IARD members or the organizations they represent, unless explicitly stated. However, all members agree on and support IARD’s mission of reducing the harmful use of alcohol.

The resources on this website are not intended as health advice to individuals about their drinking. People with specific questions about their drinking are encouraged to consult a healthcare professional. Together, they can determine what is best for that individual, based on individual risk factors, including family history, genetics, and lifestyle. For some people, the better choice may be to not drink at all.

Reference Countries Year published Topics Private sector partners / Suporting organization
Carneiro LP, Battistella LR, (2019), Two innovative Brazilian programs relating to road safety prevention. A case study, Sao Paulo Medical Journal, Vol 137Supp, pp2-7 Brazil 2019 Road safety AB InBev
Miller TR, (2018), Drinking after driving: an urban 6-country comparison. Injury Prevention, Vol 24, Supp 2, A194-A194 Belgium; Bolivia, Brazil, China, Mexico, USA 2018 Road safety AB InBev
CONADIC, FISAC, (2018), Programma nacional de alcoholimetria Conduce sin Alcohol - Primeras memorias 2015-2018 (Spanish) Mexico 2018 Road safety Social Research Foundation (FISAC)
Avtotrezvost, (2019), Budget report on implementation of Avtotrezvost project Russia 2019 Road safety Alcohol Beverage Committee (ABC)
Asia Pacific International Spirits and Wines Alliance, (2017), Drink driving awareness campaign Cambodia 2017 Road safety Asia Pacific International Spirits and Wines Alliance (APISWA) 
Federación Española de Bebidas Espirituosas, (2013), Analisis programa "Los Noc-turnos" (Spanish) Spain 2013 Road safety Espirituosos España
Safe Roads for Youth, (2015), Final project evaluation Vietnam 2015 Road safety Asia Pacific International Wine and Spirits Alliance (APIWSA)
Pernod Ricard, DIAGEO, (2018), Cool Teens PH III Programme report India 2018 Underage
DIAGEO, Pernod Ricard
L’Association pour le développement de la prévention en entreprise - Observatoire Régional de la Santé du Limousin, (2015), Evaluation du Programme Espace (French) France 2015 Underage
Entreprise et Prévention
Life Education Trust, (2022), SMASHED - Impact and outcomes New Zealand 2022 Underage
Maguire T, Boyd S, (2022), SMASHED - Final evaluation report, New Zealand Council for Educational Research: Life Education Trust New Zealand 2022 Underage
Tengström A, (2018), Report: The overall results from the longitudinal study evaluating the effectiveness of the orogram “Prata Om Alkohol” Sweden 2018 Underage
Spirit and Wine Suppliers (SVL),  Swedish Brewers
Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, (2018), Final report: Program evaluation - Ask, Listen, Learn: Alcohol and your developing brain - Outcomes of a digital curriculum designed for youth as implemented in classrooms across the U.S.A USA 2018 Underage
Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership, (2022), It'll cost you - Proxy purchase campaign evaluation report United Kingdom 2022 Underage
Scottish Alcohol Industry Partnership (SAIP)
Maurage P, Dormal V, (2017), Responsible Party program 2016-2017: Evaluation & efficiency, Laboratory for experimental psychopathology Europe 2017 Heavy episodic drinking Pernod Ricard
DrinkWise, (2023), Case studies ‘It’s okay to say nay’ parental supply campaign, ‘Stay tasteful while tasting’ Australia 2023 Alcohol education DrinkWise
DrinkWise, (2019), An overview of an evidence-based approach to the development and measurement of programs 2007-2019 Australia 2019 Alcohol consumption - attitudes, trends,
Alcohol education
Scotch Whisky Action Fund, (2020),  Tackling alcohol-related harm: The first 5 years 2014-2018 Scotland 2020 Alcohol education Scotch Whisky Association
Scotch Whisky Action Fund, (2022), Waverley Care: Men who have sex with men: Pilot project Scotland 2022 Brief interventions  Scotch Whisky Association
Scotch Whisky Action Fund, (2022), Bright Light Relationship Counseling: Families in recovery project Scotland 2022 Counselling Scotch Whisky Association
spiritsEUROPE, (2023), Promoting responsible drinking across Europe - Annual report  Europe 2023 Responsible drinking spiritsEUROPE
FISAC, (2012), Evaluacion de resultados de un taller de promocion de la responsibilidad y la moderacion en el consumo de bebidas con alcohol para estudiantes de educacion media superior del instituto politecnico nacional (Spanish) Mexico 2012 Responsible drinking, Young adults Social Research Foundation (FISAC)
Miller TR, Ringwalt CL, Grube JW, Paschall MJ, Fisher DA, Gordon MV, (2019), Design and outcome measures for the AB InBev Global Smart Drinking Goals evaluation, Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, Vol 16Art No 100458, 2019, 9p Belgium, Brazil, China, Mexico, South Africa, USA 2019 Prevention, Intervention programmes AB InBev
Paschal MJ, Miller T, (2022), Evaluation of Global Smart Drinking Goals initiative (GSDG) USA 2022 Prevention, Brief interventions  AB InBev
Brown E, (2021), Businesses that care - Zacatecas Mexico 2021 Brief interventions  AB InBev