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Beverage Alcohol Labeling Requirements

January 5, 2019

This table details alcohol beverage labeling requirements in all countries for which IARD has been able to verify the information with the respective national authorities or through publicly accessible documents. Details on the requirements for health warnings to be included ...

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Drinking Guidelines: General Population

August 8, 2022

This table details recommendations for alcohol consumption (drinking guidelines) issued by government bodies in all countries for which IARD has been able to verify the information with the respective national authorities or through publicly accessible documents. Generally, these recommendations apply ...

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Drinking Guidelines: General Population

August 8, 2022

This table details recommendations for alcohol consumption (drinking guidelines) issued by government bodies in all countries for which IARD has been able to verify the information with the respective national authorities or through publicly accessible documents. Generally, these recommendations apply ...

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Drinking Guidelines for Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

August 8, 2022

This table details drinking guidelines issued by government bodies regarding alcohol consumption by people attempting to become pregnant, who are pregnant, or are breastfeeding, in all countries for which IARD has been able to verify the information with the respective ...

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Health Warning Requirements

December 9, 2021

This table details the health warning requirements – on labels, commercial communications, and at point of sale – that apply to alcohol beverages, in all countries for which IARD has been able to verify the information with the respective national ...

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Health Warning Requirements

December 9, 2021

This table details the health warning requirements – on labels, commercial communications, and at point of sale – that apply to alcohol beverages, in all countries for which IARD has been able to verify the information with the respective national ...

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Letter to the editor: IARD response to Petticrew et al. ‘How alcohol industry organisations mislead the public about alcohol and cancer’

September 16, 2020

In its March 2018 issue, the Drug and Alcohol Review published a response which IARD submitted to the publication: Petticrew, M., Maani Hessari, N., Knai, C., & Weiderpass, E. (2018). How alcohol industry organisations mislead the public about alcohol and ...

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Letter to the editor: IARD responds to Lim et al.’s (2019) analysis of framing and completeness of information disseminated by alcohol industry-funded organizations

June 15, 2020

On 14 June 2020 the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs published a letter which IARD submitted on 16 January 2020 in response to the publication: Lim, A. W. Y., van Schalkwyk, M. C. I., Maani Hessari, N., & ...

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Data Sharing Portal

June 26, 2023

Overview, purpose, scope, and guiding principles for the IARD Data Sharing Portal. This portal is designed to improve access to private-sector data on alcohol for researchers and public health auth...

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Partnership Council

October 17, 2018

The Partnership Council brings together Trade Associations (T As) and Social Aspects Organizations (SA Os) from around the world with IARD members and staff to achieve greater impact around our collective goal to reduce the harmful use of alcohol.Click on a Partnership ...

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