
Letter to the editor: IARD response to Petticrew et al. ‘How alcohol industry organisations mislead the public about alcohol and cancer’

In its March 2018 issue, the Drug and Alcohol Review published a response which IARD submitted to the publication: 
Petticrew, M., Maani Hessari, N., Knai, C., & Weiderpass, E. (2018). How alcohol industry organisations mislead the public about alcohol and cancer. Drug and Alcohol Review, 37(3), 293-303.

Excerpt from  IARD's response: "The authors repeatedly misrepresent IARD’s statements in their analysis. We welcome the opportunity to correct the record about IARD’s Health Review on Drinking and Cancer [2], which, like other IARD reviews, is intended to ‘offer an overview of the relationship between drinking patterns and health outcomes, compile the key literature and provide the reader with an extensive bibliography that refers to original research on each topic’. ... IARD reviews evidence on 13 discrete cancer sites, explicitly pointing to a link with drinking. It also refers to the position of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) on causation for specific cancers."