This monograph presents the findings of the Global Actions on Harmful Drinking research project, which aimed to measure the nature and extent of unrecorded alcohol production and consumption in each of nine countries: Belarus, Botswana, Brazil, China, India, Kenya, Mexico, Russia, and Sri Lanka. It was produced by the International Center for Alcohol Policies. (2012)
Download© 2021 International Alliance for Responsible Drinking
IARD’s members and the members of its Partnership Council are a diverse group of organizations with a variety of viewpoints. They might not necessarily agree on all or any subjects. Any statements, findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed on this website do not reflect the policies or views of all IARD members or the organizations they represent, unless explicitly stated. However, all members agree on and support IARD’s mission of reducing the harmful use of alcohol.
The resources on this website are not intended as health advice to individuals about their drinking. People with specific questions about their drinking are encouraged to consult a healthcare professional. Together, they can determine what is best for that individual, based on individual risk factors, including family history, genetics, and lifestyle. For some people, the better choice may be to not drink at all.